August 23, 2015

[Hualian]Dali Datong Trail


Dali & Datong are located in Hualien Taroko Gorge, 915~1128 meter above the sea, where is one of Taiwanese aborigines tribes - "Truku" lives. In Truku old language, Dali names "Huhus" which means "the sound of snake". Datong names "Skadang" which means "morlar tooth".

Dali & Datong also is called "Dark village" because it is the last Taiwanese aborigines tribes without city power and water system. Truku have the most original life style there. Years ago, Taiwan government helped Truku of Dali & Datong tribe migrate to the city. However, few Truku cannot use to the modern life style. They choose to go back to the tribe in the mountain. They live on  cultivation or manager hostel for hiker.

流籠站...我可以搭這個上山嗎? 流籠站
Truku rely on ropeway to get daily essentials from city.

While you visit Dali & Datong tribe, you can stay in Dadau's house. Dadau is the leader of Datong tribe who is 85 years old already. He will help to prepare Taiwanese aborigines style dinner and breakfast in next morning.
達道  達道的家~晚餐竹桶飯
達道的家  達道的家~煮水洗澡
No gas. Have to start fire by woods and paper....with lighter assistant

In early morning, Liwu Mountainside is the perfect location to see the sunrise. Along with singing from Dadau, the atmosphere make me feel what wonderful life will be if time can stop in this moment?

AM5:06  AM5:34 背影

 More pictures for the beautiful view in the Dali Datong trail.
去不了的砂卡噹溪 日出後的山脈 大同部落 大同部落 大同部落~雞比人多 大禮部落

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