October 20, 2015

[Hualian] Chongde Beach 崇德海灘

Chongde Beach which is located at the north of Hualian and near Taroko. It is a peaceful place as rare tourists visit and it is also a perfect place to admire the view of Cingshuei Cliff.

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Different from the sandy shore you frequently saw in north Taiwan, Chongde beach is a rocky coast. You can see many round cobblestones laying on the beach. This kind of beach is a most common scene in east coast of Taiwan.

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Along the road #9, it take about 30 minutes ride by bike from Shincheng railway station to Chongde beach. Because the uphill climbing ,we take some efforts to get there. But when we see the blue sky and ocean in front of us, it is worth it!

The beatiful moment we stay in Chongde Beach:
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