October 29, 2015

[Hualian] Zhuilu Trail 錐麓古道

Road Sign 2.5~3km, the most majestic and breathless section on Zhuilu Trail. Yes, Here we are!

Zhuilu Trail is located in Taroko National Park. It was built for connecting each tribe of Taroko in old Taiwan. For well preserve this old trail with historical remains, Taroko National Park Service has daily visitor limitation and you need to apply Park Entry Application and get permission in advanced.

The entrance is near Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou), start by Zhuilu drawbridge. After passing drawbridge, continuously 2km uphill path is waiting for you. You will step from 247m above sea level to 750m.
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We go through a remain named  "Badagang(巴達岡)". It is a place built for hospital, club, school and police station during Japanese occupation.

We met second drawbridge near Badagang. Try to have fun with some sports series pictures when we took a rest here.
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While road sign 2.6km approaching, the geology and scenery were different. That means we arrived Zhuilu Cliff!! 
We don''t know how to describe our feeling while standing on the cliff. A little nerves because of the narrow path. A little exciting  because the amazing canyon scene.

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Only take about 5 hours hike for 6km, you will see one of the most amazing scene in Tarako Park.

Want to have same trip as JoR? Apply the entrance permission on line NOW!

More pictures on Flickr

October 20, 2015

[Hualian] Chongde Beach 崇德海灘

Chongde Beach which is located at the north of Hualian and near Taroko. It is a peaceful place as rare tourists visit and it is also a perfect place to admire the view of Cingshuei Cliff.

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Different from the sandy shore you frequently saw in north Taiwan, Chongde beach is a rocky coast. You can see many round cobblestones laying on the beach. This kind of beach is a most common scene in east coast of Taiwan.