January 23, 2016

[Taipei] Qingtiangang 擎天崗

Qingtiangang is located in Yangmingsang National Park and it is the first stop in JoR's "Wild hot spring trip".
In the sunny day, it is comfortable place for walking and picnic on this vast grassland. At night, it is also a perfect place near the Taipei city zone to look at the stars without light pollution. Although the day we visited Qingtiangang is a cloudy day, taking a walk in hazy drizzle is also a romantic way to explore the beauty of Qingtiangang, isn’t it? 

擎天崗 擎天崗
Qingtiangang is a lava terrace formed when the lava from Mt. Zhugao flowed north after its eruption. Because of its flat terrain, a ranch was established and the area was used as a pasture for grazing cattle during the Japanese occupation. So till now, we can see those cattle living in Qingtiangang grassland. If you have chance to visit Qingtiangang next time, don’t forget to say hello to them.
擎天崗 擎天崗

January 08, 2016

Outdoor Body Gym!

If you have exercise habits, do you worry about cannot find a gym while travelling?
In Taiwan, there are some equipment built in the community park. So you can have body gym easily, everywhere and anytime!

Watch out the video!

January 02, 2016

[Taoyuan] Bald Cypress forest in Bade 桃園八德落羽松

A thick bald cypress forest in a private land of Taoyuan Bade. Along with the weather turns cold, the color of leaves become yellow, red and brown stealthily.
 太陽出來了 IMG_2883 
Do you want to lie in the soft leaves to experience the atmosphere of winter? Luckily, the forest is open for tourist visit. This Bald Cypress forest is also attracted lots of photographic enthusiast to capture the best moment in every December to January.
Let the professional photographer record the beautiful color of scene. For JoR, we want to take picture by some creative pose. Do you want to have fun with us? 
屁股不著地 空氣椅